The Immune System: Doing Its Part
The Immune System: Doing Its Part - DVD
Explore the complex and remarkable immune system and its vital role in the defense of our bodies.
This program describes certain malfunctions of the immune system, including allergic responses and autoimmune disorders, and introduces the concept of rejection. It explains how HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) is able to overpower the immune system so that it can no longer protect the body from disease.
Doing Its Part stresses the importance of basic good hygiene and preventive health practices in avoiding exposure to harmful germs and in maintaining a healthy immune system.
"An excellent introduction to AIDS education and health for young students. Highly recommended." — ABC-CLIO Video Rating Guide for Libraries
"We chose the DVD as the information on the HIV component was appropriate and met our curriculum standards." - Marguerite Aromando, School Nurse, Brooklake Elementary School, Florham Park, NJ
Key Concept: Explore the complex immune system
Run Time: 9:15
Closed Captioned
Age Group: Grades 3-5