Puberty Education Programs

Since 1969 MARSHmedia has been an industry leader in the development of puberty education materials. Our reliance on recognized expert sources and constant discussions with the school nurses and health educators who use our products, have given MARSHmedia a strong base for this endeavor.

Contact us at if you wish to preview any of our programs for free!

Just Around the Corner — For Girls, Grades 4-6
Just Around the Corner — For Boys, Grades 4-6
Meet the New You! For Girls, Grades 3-5
Meet the New You! For Boys, Grades 3-5
Growing Up! For Boys, Grades 5-7
Growing Up! For Girls, Grades 5-7
Straight Talk About Puberty for Girls, Grades 5-8
Straight Talk About Puberty for Boys, Grades 5-8
Puberty: A Girl's Journey, Grades 4-6
Puberty: A Boy's Journey, Grades 4-6
We're Growing Up!, Grades 5-8
Let's Just Talk — For Girls, Grades 5-8
Let's Just Talk — For Boys, Grades 5-8
We're Just Around the Corner, Grades 5-8
A Baby Is Born, Grades 3-5
We're Just Talking — For Boys and Girls, Grades 5-8
Just Around the Corner — For Boys, Spanish
Just Around the Corner — For Girls, Spanish
Meet the New You! For Boys, Spanish
Meet the New You! For Girls, Spanish