Meet the New You! For Girls, Spanish
Meet the New You! For Girls, Spanish - DVD
Now Available In Spanish!
The right amount of information for younger students! This introduction to puberty includes new music, new information and a fresh new take on the changes coming soon for girls. Designed for your youngest students who are not quite ready to learn about reproduction, but need to know about body changes, hygiene and emotional changes unique to girls. Topics include:
- When to expect the onset of puberty
- Physical and emotional changes
- Menstruation
- Importance of good hygiene, exercise, nutrition and sleep
- Self-esteem.
"I am thrilled with the video because it is the first one I have seen that deals with puberty and menstruation in a way that is appropriate for 4th/5th graders. Finally!!"
-Ann Curry, School Nurse Coordinator, Beavercreek City Schools (OH)
"This filled the gap I had in our Human Growth & Development curriculum. Thank you for responding to our need." - Pam Schaal, RN, Mt. Horeb Intermediate Center, Mt. Horeb, (WI)
Key Concept: Introduction to Puberty
Details: 18:10
Closed Captioned
Age Group: Grades 3-5