Take Care of Your Teeth!
Take Care of Your Teeth! - DVD
Annie Funelli and the Funsters show students how to have fun, stay healthy and take good care of themselves.
Annie zips into Annie's Place on her silver scooter — fully protected by her safety gear — including her new mouth guard to protect her beautiful teeth. After all, as she tells the Funsters, teeth are very important — for eating, speaking, and overall appearance and good health.
Annie begins by explaining the transition from baby to permanent teeth and then explains how Funsters can keep those permanent teeth through a lifetime program of good habits and safe behaviors — careful brushing and flossing, avoidance of sugary snacks, and common sense precautions to protect teeth from accidental injury.
Funsters are prepared for a visit to the dentist with an introduction to the equipment, tools and procedures that are included in a routine checkup and cleaning. Annie Funelli makes sure Funsters and youngsters know how to make their teeth last!
Key Concept: With Annie Funelli and the Funsters!
Details: 18:25
Closed Captioned
Age Group: Grades K-3