We're Just Talking — For Boys and Girls, Grades 5-8
We're Just Talking — For Boys and Girls, Grades 5-8 - DVD
Even though human biology has not changed lately, your students will respond to these contemporary new titles. With a fresh look, the Let's Just Talk series presents sound, accurate information about puberty in a framework of self-respect and responsible decision-making. These upbeat titles strongly emphasize the importance of exercise and encourage good nutrition.
Getting together for homework, two groups of friends listen to the popular radio show "Let's Just Talk" and get an earful about the biology of growing up — and some useful advice for coping with adolescence. We're Just Talking presents factual information about boys and girls entering puberty. Topics include male and female physical development, hormones, and the reproductive systems, with an emphasis on physical and emotional health.
Key Concept: Puberty education redux
Run Time: 16:55
Closed Captioned
Age Group: Grades 5-8